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HMIE Reports

Please find below a link to our most recent HMIE inspection report. The report can be viewed by clicking on the link;


HMIE Inspection Report


Summarised Inspection Findings

Northview House School (Curo Salus)

25 June 2019

In March 2019, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited Northview House (Curo Salus). During our visit, we talked to parents/carers and children and young people and worked closely with the head of education and psychology and staff.

The inspection team found the following strengths in the school’s work:


  • An outstanding child-centered culture across the school. This is underpinned by caring and nurturing relationships between staff, children and young people.

  • Led and directed by the senior leadership team, there is highly effective teamwork between care and education staff. This is supporting children and young people to behave very well and engage successfully with their learning.

  • The innovative therapeutic approaches in place to help children and young people to improve their well-being. This is leading to children and young people being happy, confident and resilient.

  • The range and number of National Qualifications and wider awards achieved by children and young people. This is helping young people to move into employment, training or further education when they leave school.


Steven McPherson

HM Inspector

25 June 2019

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