Northview House School is a registered school. We provide both Primary and Secondary level education.
Our nurturing ethos has the process of attachment as its main focus. The child is helped to understand that when they enter the classroom, the trust of care is transferred from the child care to the education staff.
Teaching is provided by fully qualified teachers, supported by teaching assistants. The educational provision is founded on good quality teaching & learning principles. Our aim is to provide flexible and creative learning opportunities based on the needs of each child, and within the framework of the "Curriculum for Excellence".
We encourage each young person to reach their full potential ensuring that they feel they are achieving through learning. Certification for the older pupils is a key part of the process, they are supported to obtain National level qualifications and Higher/advanced Highers. Each young persons learning support plan is tailored to individual needs, ensuring that successful learning is a key part of our teaching process.
For older pupils, we have links with local FE colleges as well as work experience options available. The 24 hour curriculum helps to prepare our young people for transitions and equip them with the
life skills necessary to be confident individuals within the Community.
“My child has made massive progress, particularly with their social skills and school. They are in a much better place.”
- Parent – young person