Latest News
Curo Salus' Northview House School named Residential School of the Year
We are delighted to announce that Northview House School has been named Residential School of the Year at the Prestige Awards Scotland 2021/22.
Some of the judges' comments included;
"The judges were inspired by the diligent work that Curo Salus does to improve young lives"
"Curo Salus have taken matters into their own hands by studying the outcomes of young people who have left their care"
You can read the entire article published by the Prestige Awards
by clicking the below link;
Prestige Awards Scotland 2021/22
A big congratulations to all involved!

Curo Salus continued support for Ardgowan Hospice
A big well done to all our staff and young people within Bridgend Cottage and Garden Lodge for their charitable works and kind donations to Ardgowan Hospice throughout the pandemic. They received this lovely letter below from the Hospice thanking them for all their efforts.
We are really proud of all of you!

Curo Salus shows its support to the NHS & Key Workers
Young people & care staff at Curo Salus have been keeping themselves busy during these difficult times by engaging in many varied activities to show their support for the NHS and key workers across the country. We are so proud of them!!

We would also like to express our appreciation and thanks to all of our employees at this time. We send particular thanks and gratitude to our frontline staff who have been working tirelessly to ensure that our children and young people receive the very highest standard of care at this time and always.

Just for fun......

Curo Salus would like to wish everyone connected to the company a very Happy Easter!!!
Pupil Achievements
A huge congratulations to two of our Northviewhouse School pupils Kiaya & Archie on their recent awards in Taekwondo & Cheerleading.
Well Done to both of you!
Curo Salus Teens Honour Lecturer With Hospice Donation
Young people from Curo Salus have yet again been featured in a local newspaper
after raising money for Ardgowan Hospice with a football match in honour of local lecturer, musician, photographer and artist Louie Pastore.
Please click below to view the full article @ The Greenock Telegraph;
Endorsements for the article & picture to The Greenock Telegraph*

Curo Salus was featured in the 2019 Parliamentary Review document
We are delighted to share that our director and head of education & psychology, Sally Dolan features in the podcast, linked below with Jonathan White from the Parliamentary Review. The focus of the podcast is to continue the discussion about developments within Curo Salus since the publication of the article in the Review.
The full podcast can be heard by clicking the below link;

Curo Salus draw on trauma research theory to help affected children thrive
We are delighted to share that our organisation has again been featured in an article published this week by The Parliamentary Review
You can read the full article by clicking here- http://bit.ly/tprcuro

Latest HMIe Inspection Report for Northview House School

We are delighted to publish the results of our most recent inspection at Northview House School.
During the visit, the inspectors talked to parents/carers and children and young people and worked closely with the head of education and psychology and staff.
The inspection team found the following strengths in the school’s work.
An outstanding child-centred culture across the school. This is underpinned by caring and nurturing relationships between staff, children and young people.
Led and directed by the senior leadership team, there is highly effective teamwork between care and education staff. This is supporting children and young people to behave very well and engage successfully with their learning.
The innovative therapeutic approaches in place to help children and young people to improve their wellbeing. This is leading to children and young people being happy, confident and resilient.ï‚·
The range and number of National Qualifications and wider awards achieved by children and young people. This is helping young people to move into employment, training or further education when they leave school.
The full inspection report can be accessed via the link below;
Northview House School (Curo Salus) - 25 June 2019
"The outstanding ethos and culture across the school. This is leading to all children and young people having high levels of attendance, exhibiting very good behaviour and engaging very well in their learning" - Summarised Inspection Findings
Acknowledgements to the Paisley Daily Express for the below article link and photography contained in this update*

The Parliamentary Review
Curo Salus has appeared in the latest Parliamentary Review as an example of best practice in residential childcare.
The gala awards ceremony was attended by company representatives in London and the full Parliamentary Review article can be accessed by clicking on the below link;
The Parliamentary Review - Curo Salus

New National Care Standards
The Scottish have Government have now published the New National Care Standards. The standards are designed to bring a once fragmented Health and Social Care system together within a person led approach.
Curo Salus are fully committed to the new Health and Social Care standards and we will embed them into our practice through training for all staff, updating policy and procedures, updating relevant care paperwork and introducing them to our young people through fun activities.
We promise to ensure the new principles are reflected in our approach to our young people. The five principles are:
Responsive Care and Support
Well being
Be included
For information on the New Health and Social Care Standards please click on this link:

Goodbye and Good Luck
Farewell celebrations for one of our wonderful primary pupils, Jayden.
We will miss you Jayden but are very happy for you, and we wish you all the very best in your new family and your new school.
You have been a star!

Excellent all the way!
Congratulations to Bridgend Cottage, Laurelhouse, Northview House and Tandlebrae Cottage on their recent 6’s from the Care Inspectorate.
A big thank you to our staff across the organisation for their hard work and dedication to maintaining the continuous high standard of care for our young people.
Some of the quotes from the recent reports are as follows:
Bridgend Cottage (Unannounced inspection 6th February 2018):
"I am very happy with the quality of care that (young person) receives at Curo Salus, she is provided with consistent love, care and nurturing which has allowed her to grow, develop and flourish in their care. All staff members have made a real effort to understand (young person), her behaviours, her past and tailor their approach to suit (young person) and her level of need".
"A brilliant service - very good - they go out of their way to put things in place for (young person) - brilliant staff".
"When speaking with (young person) it is evident she enjoys the relationships she has built up with the staff and feels that they have her best interests in mind. (Young person) finds it difficult to trust people, however it is clear from speaking with her that she has managed to allow herself to trust the staff"
Laurelhouse, Northview House and Tandlebrae Cottage (Unannounced inspection 8th March 2018):
"I have been working in social work 23 years and it's the best place I've seen”
"The service is beautifully managed."
“All young people had an incredible thorough assessment which included a focus on their educational aptitudes. All young people were found to be cared for in a supportive and nurturing environment. Young people stated that they felt "loved". All young people had one-to one support throughout the day and they were surrounded by a care team that spends quality time supporting them to take part in meaningful activities”
“Young people were doing extremely well within Laurel House and within the 'Curo Salus school'. All of the young people were in full-time education within an exceptional resource which ensured that they had educational attainment, both in the school environment but also having access to wider attainment with the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. All young people were found to be very happy at school and were able to evidence achievements. Many young people had attained national prizes in poetry and maths. All were found to be gaining skills of self-esteem and confidence which will enable them to be meaningful citizens”.
For more information please view our recent reports on the Care Inspectorate website by searching Curo Salus:
A Star is Born!
One of our young people Ryan, a member of Centrestage, Music Theatre Company based in Kilmarnock performed recently in their production of ‘The Addams Family’. Ryan, stole the show and was described by the producer as an ‘all-rounder’ due to his talent for dancing, singing and acting.
​Scotland ‘s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon attended the show . Ryan was privileged to meet the First Minister after the show.

Snow Days
A very big thank you to all of our fabulous Residential Childcare Workers for braving the weather conditions to ensure that the service continued for our children and young people.
Also, a very big thank you to our wonderful estates team who helped transport the care staff to and from the houses throughout this period, and for all their efforts in keeping the driveways and paths of the houses clear of snow.
With the help of the Estates Team, Northview House School is open again today after 3 snow days!!!

Northview House School Closed Today
Update: Northview House School will be closed again today, due to the continued adverse weather conditions. Further updates will follow when available.
School Software Developers meet the professionals
Northview House Secondary School pupils William and Jamie are pictured here with Neil Galloway a Computer Systems Developer with Motorola Solutions in Glasgow;
Motorola Solutions designs computer software systems for Police Forces across the United Kingdom. The software allows police officers to create various incident reports and get information from national computer systems using smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets.
Neil told William and Jamie how software is developed in a state of the art environment from customer request to final delivery and roll out to officers on the beat. This insight added real value to William and Jamie’s understanding of a process that to that point they had only discussed in theory in the classroom.
Jamie, William and Jim, their teacher, learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

Christmas Jumper Day 2017
Young people and staff from Curo Salus gathered at Laurel House recently to celebrate Christmas Jumper day. The event was thoroughly enjoy by kids and staff alike and even Santa Claus made an appearance. All proceeds raised will be donated to "Save The Children". Some snaps from the day can be seen below;

The Season for Giving!

The season for giving! The Secondary pupils from our school (Northview House School) have been working hard collecting food to make up parcels for the homeless this Christmas. Well done to our fabulous pupils and staff!!!

Recruitment News
We are delighted to announce that their are exciting new vacancies across the organisation for Residential Childcare Workers. We are looking for applicants who have a genuine interest in working with our young people but may not necessarily have the appropriate qualifications for the field. Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to obtain the necessary qualifications to be fully registered with the SSSC. Residential Childcare Worker - CSL00002 - Curo Salus Ltd | myjobscotland https://t.co/eOdFhf8bo7 or click here to complete our online application form; https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5ZKYRF6

Responsible Citizens: Helping Our Local Community
The some of the primary pupils of Northview House School paid a visit to the Renfrewshire Foodbank earlier this month.
The pupils and staff were delighted to deliver a selection of provisions to the Foodbank. Elizabeth Alexander of the Trussell Trust showed the pupils round and explained the work done by the Trust to support those in need in the local community of Renfrewshire.
This was a great opportunity for our pupils to contribute effectively to their community as active citizens.

Halloween 2017 at Curo Salus
The young people & staff of Curo Salus showed off their creative side at this year's Halloween Party, with some fantastically imaginative and spooky costumes on display.
A great time was had by all,
Well done to the staff and to all the children.

​Attachment & Trauma Conference – Rome 2017

Our Head of Education & Psychology attended a 3-day conference in Rome on Attachment & Trauma.
Speakers included Dan Hughes, Bessel van der Kolk (pictured below), Robin Shapiro and Pat Odgen.
The conference was highly relevant to the work we do here at Curo Salus.
The knowledge gained will ensure that our work with the children is based on current thinking and on the latest research findings in the field of developmental trauma and the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

Coming Soon
Opening in 2018
Below is an artist's impression of how our latest house will look when completed. Located in 16 acres of countryside , yet only a few miles from Johnstone.

Coffee Morning At Northview House Primary School

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer.
To support this cause our primary pupils at Northview House School organised and hosted a "Coffee Afternoon".
The event was supported by the residential staff , teaching staff and admin staff , who enjoyed the fabulous cakes and treats all prepared by the pupils.
So thank you to Mary Wallace, the Depute Head ,the primary school staff and of course, the primary school pupils, who did such a fantastic job and raised £204.60 for MacMillan.
Well done !

More Success for Northview House School Pupils!
Big congratulations were in order for our pupils at Northview House School for their fantastic results at the Glasgow Museum Annual Art Competition. Pictured below are our winners at the recent awards ceremony held at Kelvingrove Art Museum. The results for the pupils from our school were as follows;
Jayden, P4 – Gold Medal
Andrew, P6 – Silver Medal
Ryan, P6 – Bronze Medal

Glasgow Museums Annual Art Competition is a drawing competition for children which was established in 1904, and continues to this day.
This competition is for all ages, from nursery to secondary school age (ages 3-18yrs).
Groups can organise a museum visit to inspire and create their art works. The competition is also open to individuals and non school groups.
The events ceremony was attended by our teachers, pupils and care staff last week. A great evening was had by all in attendance.
Celebrating the success of our pupils!
We are delighted to report the success of our Northview House School pupils in the recent CELCIS #GetWriteIn 2017 competition.
We are delighted to announce our finalists and winners below;
Chloe, S4 pupil – “Messenger”
Senior Runner-Up
Holly, Primary 7 pupil – “My Life”
Junior Finalist
Lewis, Primary 4 pupil – “My Traffic Light Life”
Junior Runner-Up
William, S5 pupil – “Talents”
Senior Finalist

Below are some of the fantastic comments given by the #GetWriteIn judges regarding our young people’s entries;
“This young writer could get published tomorrow!”
“The imagery in this is excellent – very imaginative and original.”
“My Traffic Light Life is a highly original and compelling read”
Here is a sample of one of our winning entries;
My Traffic Light Life
My life has been a ton of fun
With loads of chewing gum
My mum and dad think they have a brilliant son
When I am driving with, waiting for the
Green light
It has yet to come
It has yet to come.
But stop there has been a red one
A red one, a red one that is all that it has ever been.
The green one now at Laurel House is flashing brightly to be seen
It is such a sight
It is a green light
I have been waiting for all my life
By Lewis, Primary 4

10 years of Curo Salus in Fairlie
We have recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of Garden Lodge.
Curo Salus Staff and young people from all of our houses were in attendance at the event
along with popular radio Clyde DJ George Bowie.
A good time was had by all.

The SSSC have published their Learning Strategy 2017-20 which outlines how they will work to support workforce development in social services over the next three years. It describes their role in supporting the sector with learning and development and stresses the importance of collaboration and interdependence with strategic partners in some of this work.
National Care Standards Review
You’ll find a range of helpful information here, including the views of individuals from across Scotland, about what the new Standards could mean for them and other people who use health and social care services.